Turn off the universe and reboot

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com


The science folk at Jodrell bank were peturbed

it wasn’t the results from their radio telescope

subtlely, it was the message that came with it

the super duper mega computer

that calculated the movements of stars and moons

sent out a message that sounded like doom

“Suggestion for the boffins

Somethings big and something grand

has been diverted into our airspace

please go and help it land”

The moons and stars were busy that day

only it wasn’t an alien that we’re out at play

more nearby animals – on the country trail

Harvest Mice – telling a tale

and they raided the larders of fruit

while the scientists panicked at the other message

“Turn off the universe and Reboot!”

2 responses to “Turn off the universe and reboot”

  1. Perhaps that is what is needed to correct all the mistakes that mankind has made!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. A tribute to the Late Great Sir Terry Pratchett, Peter – It was one of the lines from Hex (the Unseen University computer) that was scribbled upon the mice, squirrels and cogs stopping working 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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