57 Varieties

#Socs #Pickanumber

Photo by Ron Lach on Pexels.com

Todays #Socs tells us to pick a number

In response i went to the kitchen cupboard

Sauces, Stews, Soups and (not forgetting) pulses (beans)

all made in a factory down the road in Wigan

at the HJ Heinz factory.

I’m partial to their Tomato soup it’s lovely with Toasty Bread. But so are their beans and sausage combo

Fancy something different? Minted Lamb Hotpot in a tin Or Mulligatawny (Beef Curry) in a tin

and their numerical connection – the number of recipe varieties appears on every label – 57.

Every bowl as tasty as the last – and if i want to go back to childhood – the mini tins of spaghetti or beans and sausage are just the thing for a midnight snack.

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